With many opinions shared about whether fluoride is good for you or not, it can be difficult to know the truth. Learn if fluoride is a friend or a foe.
Digital dentures create a beautiful, precise prosthesis in fewer appointments than conventional dentures. Learn more from a Dental Associates Prosthodontist.
Do you brush your teeth twice a day and still get cavities? Learn the secret behind why cavities form and why brushing twice a day may not be enough.
Many children experience injuries and accidents – even dental emergencies. Learn what to do if your child chips, cracks, or knocks out a tooth.
Did you know that those with diabetes are at higher risk for periodontal disease? Learn more about the connection between diabetes and oral health.
Brushing and flossing are the building blocks of good oral health. Learn 5 ways to improve your dental hygiene routine and elevate your oral wellness.
Oral cancer affects over 53,000 people a year. Learn oral cancer signs and how Dental Associates dentists monitor patients for symptoms.
If you’re considering brightening your smile, learn if professional teeth whitening or at-home teeth whitening is a better option for you.
Having “soft teeth” is a common misconception. Learn why “soft teeth” aren’t actually a condition and what causes weak enamel and teeth altogether.
Dental implants are an investment in your overall health and in your lifestyle. Here are three reasons you should consider them.
Parents have come to expect braces as an additional expense for their kids, but few have begun to plan for it. Here’s how you can plan for the cost of braces.
Oral health is determined by a lot of things and what we eat is one of them. Help your kids establish great habits by packing a mouth-healthy lunch.