New Dentures
Getting dentures for the first time can feel like your lips are being pushed forward and that your teeth are too big. However, this will subside within the first few days. The best way to get used to your dentures is to keep them in your mouth progressively longer each day during the first two weeks. For dentures placed immediately after surgery, the dentist will want you to wear the dentures continuously for the first few days, or as they recommend. Wearing dentures during the night when you sleep is not recommended, it is important for the soft tissue to rest uncovered overnight. Address any questions or concerns about wearing dentures to your dentist.
Because of the natural shape tendencies of a mouth, the lower denture will not be as tight as the upper. Over time, you won’t notice the loose fit as much and your dentures will feel more natural.
Speaking with New Dentures
Tongue position with dentures is different than with natural teeth. This may cause a hissing or whistling sound while speaking, but most patients adapt quickly to their new dentures. A good way to train your tongue to return to its natural position is to practice by reading out loud for a few days. As you do this, you will train your tongue to say S, Sh, Th, and Ch sounds more clearly.
Learn tips for eating with dentures.
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Dental Associates offers complete family dentistry plus specialty services like orthodontics, oral surgery, and dental implants. Click to learn more.
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